My father’s name is Cesar. He´s 50 years old. He’s an engineer.
My mother’s name is Lorena. She’s 49 years old. He’s a pre-school teacher.
I have a brother and a sister.
My brother’s name is Andreiy and he’s 15 years old.
My sister’s name is Ingrid and she’s 19 years old.
They are students.
My grandmother's name is Peta and she is 79 years old. She is the best grandmother in the world.
Also, I have a dog, who is part of my family and her name is Copita
My family is the most important thing I have, thanks to their support and guidance throughout my life, it has allowed me to make good decisions. I love my family, and I am grateful to them for all the love they give me.
My family taught me that a strong mind and heart are essential in this life.
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